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Home ยป Considerations of a Raw Dog Food Diet

Considerations of a Raw Dog Food Diet

Animal lovers have been known to do anything for their pets. For certain dog owners, it’s about swapping processed meals for meals made of raw, whole foods. Raw diets can be an excellent choice for certain pets, but it’s certainly not for everyone So, consult your vet before making an informed choice.

Before we get in to the cons and pros of a raw diet, let’s talk about what is a raw diet.

Raw diets for dogs are not new. They were originally meant for sled dogs and greyhounds racing. The idea of bringing Raw food eating to home was first suggested in 1993 by veterinary surgeon Ian Billinghurst. The idea was dubbed as the BARF diet, also known as the “Bones and raw food” food plan, Billinghurst believed that dog could appreciate a lifestyle that was based on the habits of eating that were prevalent among their ancestral ancestors. He suggested that raw fleshy bones and vegetables are the primary food sources for dogs, whereas commercial grain-based foods were inadequate and detrimental.

Raw dog food diets have its advocates and detractors. Some advocates say it can significantly improve the health of your dog however, some argue that if you don’t provide the proper guidance, eating raw food can be harmful.

Since the first time the raw food diet was introduced various other variations have been created. The details may differ however most recipes that are raw include the same elements:

Organ meats (liver and kidneys)

Muscle meats, which are often kept on the bone

Bones, either whole or ground

Vegetables (broccoli , spinach, celery)

Uncooked eggs

Apples, berries, and other fruits

Dairy products

There are many recipes on the internet that mix one or more the ingredients listed above. Similar to all “human” food item, but you must consult your veterinarian prior to adding these ingredients to your pet’s diet.

Raw food is also popular with cats as well as their owners. As with dogs, cat’s wild ancestors lived by eating raw, whole foods (with more emphasis on meat since cats are meat-eaters in the first place). Switching to raw food offers many of the same advantages for health for cats, just as it is for dogs. Additionally, it comes with several of the same dangers. Both should be balanced to meet the specific nutritional requirements of your pet So, consult with your veterinarian prior to including raw food in your pet’s meals.

Consuming a diet that is comprised of all raw foods can provide a variety of benefits for health. Some of the most well-known ones cited by those who advocate the raw food diet are:

If your dog is prone to gain weight If your dog is prone to gain weight, a raw diet could aid in keeping its weight under control. It’s also possible to alter your dog’s diet to control precisely what your dog is eating to help with weight loss or weight gain depending on what is required and suggested by your veterinarian.

Raw diets will help your dog get better energy and healthier skin and better-looking teeth. The bone meat diet will reduce the smell of bad breath as well as improve the hygiene of teeth for dogs . The protein-rich content of raw foods can aid in making your dog’s muscles stronger.

The coat of your dog can be shiny and healthy after following an organic diet. The high fat content of many raw food diets encourages healthy skin and fur. Therefore, by following an eat-raw diet rich in fat-rich meat it is possible to see improvement in the appearance of the coat of your dog.

The idea of replacing processed foods with natural ingredients seems like a healthy alternative, but a raw food diet is not without some dangers along with advantages.

When you feed your dog raw food it is possible that your pet could get injured due to bone pieces within the meat. Bones could pose the risk of choking, damage the teeth of your dog, or trigger punctures in the internal organs. The bones that are cooked are more prone to splintering. They should be fed only to your dog with supervision.

Certain raw meats contain bugs and parasites that can result in infections for your pet. This is particularly harmful for dogs suffering from cancer or other health problems as they’re more likely to be affected by the bacteria.

Although your dog may appear well-behaved, bacteria can bring a health problem to the surface, aggravating it. These kinds of bacteria are not safe for humans too.

Giving your dog with a raw diet is taking the nutrition of your pet into your own hands. Although this is one of the major benefits for the dog’s diet, it could cause serious health problems if the diet isn’t properly balanced. The particular nutrients and vitamins essential to the health of your dog may not be found in raw food so that a raw food diet may cause your dog to be lacking. However excess fat, protein or other nutrients can result in issues such as anemia, bone loss and liver failure.

Making a homemade raw food diet with your pet will take a significant amount of time. It’s costly than buying food at the grocery store. Dry dog food costs approximately $1 per day for a day’s supply of raw chicken could range between $2.50 up to 5. If your family members are trying to stick to budget or isn’t able to cook raw food, then a raw diet may not be the right choice for you.

Raw food diets have the potential to boost the health of your dog, but it’s not an ideal fit for every dog. The final decision on whether a raw diet is suitable to your pet is an issue that you and your veterinarian need to talk about and discuss.