Epsom salt is similar to other table salt – however, don’t sprinkle it on your food items. It tastes nasty. A Epsom salt bath may be chilly and help ease your pains at the end of long days.
This article gives you sprinkles of Epsom salt baths’ benefits — from your muscles to your joints to your stress levels. The bath is drawnIt’s time to take a bath!
Epsom salt, or magnesium sulphate, is a popular massage remedy for marathoners and runners as well. It’s a chemical compound made by sulfur, magnesium and oxygen.
The claims for benefits of Epsom salts could be due to it’s magnesium-rich content.
A number of studies conducted on small groups of people have been unable to determine whether skin could absorb magnesium when taking bathing or applying it to the skin in the form of a cream or lotion.
If that’s the case however, it’s not certain if the absorption of magnesium through your skin is better for your health than supplementing with. In the end could be a nice soak. What’s wrong with this?
Certain studies continue to debate the efficacy for Epsom baths with salt. But if you just want to relax and add minerals to your soak in your bath, how much there to lose? Here’s how to get your salty bath to the right level.
How do you determine how much Epsom salt do you need to bathe?
There’s nothing in the world of Epsom salt that will alter your magnesium levels. According to research reviews whether it’s even feasible that magnesium is absorbed by the skin, it won’t absorb nearly enough to bump up your magnesium content.
The recommended dosage will be on the packet of whichever Epsom salt you purchase — usually between 1 and 2 cups of Epsom salt for an average-sized bathtub.
If you have sensitive skin, you might want to start with a lower dose of about a half tablespoon of Epsom salt and gradually increase the dosage.
Individuals who suffer from allergies should check their skin by applying a moist compress of Epsom salt to the inside of your arm. Allow it to sit for approximately 10 minutes to see whether there’s a reaction.
If you’re in the market for a bit of your time, you can try the following steps to fill your Epsom salted bath brim:
Buy some Epsom salt (duh). They’re available for purchase on the internet. Make sure it has an USP (United America Pharmacopeia which is not a Unique Selling Point) label as well as an information box about the drug- these show that humans have assessed it for safe use in other humans.
While running the hot water through your bath then add the recommended amount of Epsom salt into the water. It helps dissolve it under the water’s running faucet before you add the cold water.
It is possible to add essential oils you enjoy (pick your favorite smell and then soak in it).
Make sure to top off the bath with cold water until you attain an appropriate temperature.
Check that the salts are dissolved.
Languish in that salty, bubbly business for however long you’d like.
How often should you regularly Epsom salinity baths?
You can have your Epsom salt bath every week or every 2 to 3 days. Because there is no medical evidence to prove a benefit from it there aren’t any specific guidelines either — so take care to follow the directions on the label as carefully as you can.
(As mentioned above, make sure that you purchase from a source that is USP-approved to ensure that these guidelines are correct. No one needs packaging that’s not true to them.)
Talk to your doctor prior to your visit for any health concerns. But it’s pretty tough to get a magnesium overdose simply by taking an epsom salt bath. Your body can be something of a pro when it comes to eliminating excess magnesium from your pee.
Also, it’s clear that an Epsom salt bath isn’t an all-natural cure for skin conditions or muscles pain. It’s also extremely difficult to cause serious harm by using one. So, if it works for you, then come up with a routine for bathing that you love.
How to improve Epsom salt baths better
Why not turn this into a pamper session?
Find some relaxing music to add to your playlist.
Lower the brightness (or completely off).
Make sure you light some candles that smell good.
If you have children living in the house, lock that bathroom door. You don’t need to be disturbed every 5 minutes to have a drink or to referee a squabble.
Get that loofah you’ve been leaving behind. Utilize this or the hand-held body scrubber to clean your body. This eliminates dead skin cells. This could make your skin more receptive to whatever absorption takes place.
Make sure you have a long, cool drink next to the bathtub so that you’re well-hydrated. (Not booze — alcohol dehydrates. Instead, go for a jug of cold, infused drinks or iced teas with a hint to lemon.) (If it really is the kind of weekend you want take a sip of a cocktailno one is judging!)
Relax in the bath relax, lay down, and take a break. The longer you are able to stay in the water the more enjoyable. Ignore any knocks on the door or shouts from the kitchen. This is your time.
That depends on what claim you’re looking at.
Stress management and relaxation
The claim. Magnesium assists your brain to produce neurotransmitters that help reduce stress and sleep, and also melatonin, which is a hormone that causes you to be tired.
The truth. Long, hot baths with Epsom salts are a great way to feel good and make you feel relaxed. That’s all, though.
Magnesium supplementation
The claim. Epsom salt baths can build up your magnesium level in your blood.
An earlier research review from 2003 discovered that compounds found in the body may block the absorption of magnesium. This makes absorption via the skin a more effective method to replenish this vital mineral.
The reality. However, there’s no way to know. There’s no way to absorb enough through your skin to make a difference. This claim is based on small studies that have no control groups.
Muscle aches that are soothed after exercising
The claim. The extra magnesium from bathing helps muscles make use of lactic acid after exercise. This lets them recover quicker.
The reality. Nuh-uh, try again. Relaxing in a bath after an intense workout is the dream — but adding Epsom salts doesn’t mean you’ll get more magnesium coming to you. Your skin won’t absorb enough.
The relief of swelling and pain
The claims. Some people with fibromyalgia and arthritis have reported a sweet relief from inflammation after taking an Epsom salt bath.
The reality. It might be beneficial to some. However, only one tiny 2015 study found this. It’s not enough to endorse this as a pain relief treatment.
The verdict
If you’re finding that taking an Epsom salt bath is relaxing and soothes your aches and pains, then you should try it. But there aren’t any study of any high-quality to prove their benefits.
Warm bathing can assist in dilation of your blood vessels and lower blood pressure.
Although this is great news for people with hypertension, it’s the opposite applies to those with low blood pressure. It would be a good idea to consult your doctor before taking a bath either with or without Epsom salts.
It is recommended to lower the water temperature and get into the tub slowly so as so that you don’t cause a electrical shock to your body.