Control rooms are crucial to help organizations efficiently and effectively monitor multiple data streams and take accurate critical decisions. With an ever-growing amount of sources of information and software to manage, and requirements for collaborative integration of information today’s control rooms must to be able to provide an efficient system management and cost-effective while simultaneously ensuring the best user experience.
For monitoring, decision-making, reacting to control, collaborating or for communicating control room solutions are an important component of everyday operations, which allows for greater efficiency and improved decision-making. Control room technology can be utilized by power plants in a variety different ways: in their processes facilities; for surveillance and in the facility’s situation rooms to control and command and traffic management and for monitoring distribution of broadcasts.
In utilities and process control centers, operators continuously monitor and control constant flows of manufacturing, industrial control process, infrastructure/equipment status, and the dynamic change on demand to guarantee production and distribution in the best possible way. The key to success is providing a comprehensive, real-time view of equipment and process status to improve situational awareness and decision-making, with an ergonomic and flexible system deployment to ensure efficient and controlled accessibility to equipment. Integration of information and visualization are particularly important in these scenarios, from precise information on network distribution to topological overviews of the service area, in addition to backup and redundancy support to ensure uninterrupted operations.
Control Room Trends
Control room managers are increasingly using Internet Protocol (IP) networking technology. The use of “over IP” technology in control rooms to distribute audio, video and control data distribution and extension gives greater flexibility and capacity to allow distributed or centralized control room operations. In the context of control room operations moving away from direct-connected systems to ones which make use of IP networks has provided a number of advantages, including the fact that controllers are able to modify the connectivity architecture as well as the dimensions of KVM (keyboard video, keyboard mouse) installation according to specific requirements. Additionally, systems can be built to handle long distances, high performance and different levels of redundancy and resilience.
The main benefit of using IP-based KVM for controlling rooms is infinite scalability and flexibility. An IP-based KVM system also provides more extension options beyond traditional keyboard-monitor-mouse, including server sharing, video extension, and multicasting. In this way IP-based control units ensure that you can improve your IP management efficiency , thereby increasing productivity while reducing operational expenses.
IP-based solutions using TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)/IP for communication protocols permit control room personnel to access, monitor and troubleshoot control room assets from any computer that is connected to the network. This implies that images from other sites or in the network could show up on the central control room’s video wall, which enables rapid response to emergencies that require a mission-critical response.
Information integration and visualization become more important. Controlling and sharing of the constantly growing quantity of data and video streams is crucial for control rooms. Video quality that is high-quality and with the highest resolution can allow for quick analysis of the changing situation and instantaneous decision-making.
Display solutions range beyond the desktop screen for operators to huge-sized video walls that allow for greater collaboration. Multiple displays at workstations allow operators to see more information and enhance operation. The significance of visualisation and integration of information for monitoring and making decisions in a control room has significant implications on a system’s quality of video and distribution capabilities. In scenarios where video walls must be operational 24/7, solutions must allow for high-performance processing that enables video signals to be converted and scaled to meet display requirements–single, dual, or multi-screen display formats–at resolutions up to 4K. In addition, with multiple sources of data and video that are connected to the system, it’s also feasible to design custom solution for video walls that provide high-quality images to all screens within the control room in any configuration.
Control room workers play an extremely demanding job of managing and controlling complex systems. The result of errors could be catastrophic. The ergonomics are optimized to reduce the chance of human error, and to maximize effectiveness and performance. A more ergonomic design result in better workflow and better device management. It’s called the intuitive access and control.
Alongside extending the longevity of the hardware and ensuring reliability by placing machinery far from users in the most ideal conditions, it is important to take into consideration the operators. Control equipment and peripheral equipment must be placed in the best possible location and the displays must be placed in a slant for comfort and ease of use.
Additionally, access to controls must be easy to use in an environment that allows users to remain alert and in control, so that when problems do occur, the response can be immediate and the appropriate resources are immediately utilized. In this regard, operators workspace and control systems that allow multiple desktop computer workflows are the best option.
Control Room Solution Benefits
If you are considering changes to the control room choosing the appropriate technology, the vendor and integrator is crucial. However, the following elements are also to be considered:
seamless integration of AV and IT. A convergence between audiovisual (AV) and information technology (IT) is already apparent in numerous controls room options. Seek out experts who use IT/IP technology as a method connecting AV and server/device-room components, integrating data to facilitate collaboration, as well as swift operations and vital commands. The products offered must offer an unlimited capacity, make use of space efficiently, and have a an re-deployable structure. The solution must also provide advanced multi-directional, single sign-on administration of the entire system. It will be able to utilize current infrastructure as well as equipment or at a minimum having the tools to connect with different systems.
Ergonomic Approach. Control room solutions must be designed to integrate into environments designed for operators that reduce the chance of human error while maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness. For instance Over IP solutions permit operators to be isolated from their devices, while secure, safe remotely accessible access becomes simple and computers and servers are kept clear of clutter and easily accessible. User interfaces that can be easily navigated by graphics to make it easy to configure and operation is a must.
Visual Excellence. This doesn’t mean aesthetics-friendly products from the exterior (though it’s always pleasant) instead the capabilities of the component must be of the highest quality. When it comes to collaboration-focused deployments choose a solution that can offer high-performance images to multiple video walls, and consoles for desks that are designed to support mission-critical tasks. Integrating information and details with resolutions of up to 4K allows for better monitoring, contact collaboration and the right response to situations with an ever-growing quantity of sources, authentication methods and tools to monitor.
Secure and Dependability. Solutions must provide security and reliability, as well as access to all systems across several security domains at all times. The ability to adjust the level of authority, secure logins and communication and encryption of data in virtual media as well as critical backup/failover support for systems and operations, both on-site or off-site, must be readily available.
Flexible deployment and management. Solutions must be easily controlled and maintained at any time, whether remotely or locally across the all IT systems. It is recommended to include features that allow for the flexibility of authentication, secure access, and immediate response.
Find a partner who is aware of the ever-growing demands for control room systems and offers end-to-end design and manufacturing, with the intention of enhancing security and increasing the efficiency of the operators in Control Room. In addition, by creating an efficient secure, secure controlled room the mission-critical systems will be available in real-time and able to respond to emergencies of mission importance anywhere in the world.